Annual Report Writing

Go Beyond the Ordinary

Annual Reporting: A Different Perspective

Annual reports outline opportunities, actions, and mitigations, though carry their own risks. They can be weighty; inpenetrable; one-off; one-way. Published, filed, and forgotten (until next time).

We believe annual reporting can go further; part of a wider content plan, enlivened with impact and engagement, tailored, stripped down, or scaled up, according to audience needs. Rather than a one-off event, our content journeys connect your purpose with unique customer, employee, shareholder, and stakeholder goals.

An Integrated Approach

At 4d Impact, we combine brand, commercial and sustainability expertise, with academic rigour, and well-crafted copy.

Our integrated ESG impact, financial, and strategic reports reflect the deepening relationship between purpose and profit.

Recent Projects

Sustainability Report 2023

4dimpact advised on and edited Nobian’s latest sustainability report.

Sustainability / ESG Reporting

Sustainability / ESG reporting has fast become an expected norm among mid-large sized organisations, and the transition from CSR to ESG has elevated the need for accountability and transparency.

Our expect strategists and writers can plan, target, analyse, and craft your next report, building audience dialogue through content that means more than words.

Book a Free Strategy Call to Discuss Your Next Annual Report

This free call is a chance to get to understand your annual reporting needs. We’ll provide clear recommendations, with no charge and no obligation attached.

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Why Create an Annual Report?

The answer may sound obvious, but, it’s an important question.

Since 2013, annual strategic reports have been a statutory requirement for UK large and medium-sized businesses. However, annual reports (and preferably, integrated comms throughout the year), are also a great idea for high growth smaller businesses.

Annual reports can be large and somewhat inpenetrable documents, however, we believe they have huge potential as a kit of parts, meeting the needs of investors, employees, suppliers, and society at large.

The truth is, annual reporting should not be a once-a-year endeavour, but a transparent platform, showcasing your impact during the year, and your aims and strategic direction going forward.

We believe the ‘G’ in ‘ESG’ (Governance) should be ever-present, and simply about good business practice.

Get in touch for a more dynamic, meaningful, and impact-driven approach to stakeholder engagement.

Should we Combine our Annual and Sustainability Report?

The answer may sound obvious, but, it’s an important question.

If trying to persuade people to do or buy something, use their language, the language they use every day
David Ogilvy

Our Latest ESG Insights

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The Truth About Food Waste

The Truth About Food Waste Back in 2013, a seminal paper on household food waste was published by Quested et al, outlining some systemic challenges. Ten years later, I’m looking back at the paper, highlighting the…

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