Internal Engagement

People are your greatest asset

Increase Employee and Customer Loyalty

Purpose is most powerful when shared

When it comes to employee engagement, shared values, and collective purpose inspire greater individual happiness, loyalty, and productivity; reducing staff turnover, and increasing customer satisfaction.

Empower your employees to live their values, fulfill their potential, and act on purpose beyond profit. In doing so, they will become your greatest advocates.

Reduce Staff Turnover by Shifting from ‘Employees’ to ‘People’

In recent years, we’ve moved a long way from ‘jobs for life’.  According to the CIPD, average employment now lasts between 2 and 5 years, with 35% of staff leaving their roles each year. That’s the highest level ever! 

Increasingly, people are seeking work that offers greater meaning, with McKinsey & Co noting 4 facets of human happiness at work; autonomy; mastery; positive relationships; and purpose.

The best, most progressive organisations, are shifting their narratives, from ‘employees’, to ‘people’; and are seeking new ways to engage, involve, and inspire. 

That’s where we come in.

% of Staff Leaving Roles Every Year

Source: CIPD, 2023

% of Employees who believe they are treated as people

Source: Gartner, 2023

Internal Communications for Remote Workers

In recent years, we’ve moved a long way from ‘jobs for life’.  According to the CIPD, average employment now lasts between 2 and 5 years, with 35% of staff leaving their roles each year. That’s the highest level ever! 

Employees are a company’s greatest asset; your competitive advantage. To attract and retain the best, make them feel an integral part of your mission.
Anne M. Mulcahy

Happy and productive people

We approach Internal Comms with 5 steps, starting and ending with people:

1. People

Your people are your most important advocates. We start by understanding their needs, challenges, opportunities, values, and beliefs, knowing their voice is essential to your success.

2. Position

We believe great internal comms is about understanding employee’s individual goals, beliefs, and values, and seeking to enable them in ways that align with those of customers and stakeholders.

3. Intent

Equipped with audience insights, and a clear and aligned purpose, we define your intent, and how to get there, acknowledging that all ESG Strategy requires culture that seeks purpose both for and beyond profit.

4. Action

Whether informing, educating, involving, or celebrating, we capture the attention, imagination, confidence, loyalty, and support of your employees, with actions that align to your intent.

5. Impact

Everything we do is about impact. We’re here to help you make and measure meaningful change that’s worth shouting about. Our final phase measures, reports, and amplifies your success.

Related Services

Workshops and facilitation form a core part of our delivery, providing a safe and inspiring place for employees.

Our blogs and articles are written to empower and inspire.

We can position your people as trusted thought leaders in their field.

Book a Free Internal Comms Consultation

We recognise the importance of your internal comms strategy. No matter where your organisation is on its content journey, we would love to help.

Enquire about part-funding for selected Not for profits, including CICs, Charities, and NGOs.

Schedule a call

Internal Comms: Our Latest Insight

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Bringing our truth to work, for people and planet

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Align your purpose with your people

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